A few words about ourselves:

Both of us are born and living in Sofia. We had our education in art history at New Bulgarian University where we are currently PhD students. In our eyes, the arts, science and culture are a means for inspiration, provocation and making sense of all the fundamental topics which accompany our lives.
We are aspired to create and conduct new types of events dedicated to contemporary art and culture through which we can introduce this infinite matter to a wider non-professional audience – and we do that in a natural, attractive, stylish and thoughtful manner!
Our activities include interactive gatherings with presentations about contemporary art and culture held in Bulgaria and abroad, curatorial projects, as well as organization of bigger events with complex innovative concepts which unite a variety of art fields.

Teodora is full of positive energy – fresh and always smiling, her approach to life is almost poetic. Her natural charm results in a distinctive lightness surrounding everything we do!
As a German graduate, she develops her interest in German and Austrian modern and contemporary art. During her education she studies in Munich and currently she is working on her PhD which explores the cultural and artistic relations between Bulgaria and Austria. That is why she’s visiting Vienna regularly where she participates in international projects focusing on different artistic topics.

Radoslav, on the other hand, is interested in a variety of fields and his natural thoroughness allows him to easily acquire insight and understand events and processes in drastically different areas – art, culture, science, philosophy, technology. A distinguishing characteristic of most of his projects is precisely the multi-disciplinary approach.
His international experience is related with Europe, but also with Asia – in a period of about 10 years he has been living and working in China regularly. The latest of his research focuses on the very nature of contemporary art and its most recent quests and issues.